Jean Meltzer, Founder and CEO
Jean Meltzer studied dramatic writing at NYU Tisch and has earned numerous awards for her work in television, including a Daytime Emmy. She spent five years in rabbinical school before her chronic illness forced her to withdraw, and her father told her she should write a book - just not a Jewish one because no one reads those. She is the author of the internationally bestselling The Matzah Ball, Mr. Perfect on Paper, Kissing Kosher, and Magical Meet Cute.

Xhevair Maskuli, Chief Technical Officer
Xhevair "Jev" Maskuli is a U.S. Army Veteran with over 20 years of experience in the public sector and IT industry across a diverse portfolio of products, missions and government organizations. He has numerous awards from his time in the U.S. Army, as a Government Consultant, and Solution Architect. He is also a lover of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Jewish Romance novels.

Jannete Djemal, Creative Director
Jannete Djemal is a Sephardic-Jewish designer specializing in everything from marketing, to packaging, to branding design. When she isn’t out solving creative problems, she’s probably out somewhere exploring the city, spending many hours in bookstores, or yelling about fictional characters.

Tracey Kumer, Publicity & Events
With over 20 years of experience in consultative sales, customer service, and destination wedding/event planning, Tracey is thrilled to be your Events Manager of "The Jewish Joy Book Club.” She finds fulfillment in creating and participating in meaningful experiences that inspire, educate, and celebrate life, learning, and love. A curious and creative soul, she is an avid reader (Jewish Romance, of course), explorer of natural wonders, and enthusiast of Jewish/world cultures, history, music, food and the arts.

Stacey Agdern, Contributor
Stacey Agdern is an award-winning former bookseller who has reviewed romance novels in multiple formats and given talks about various aspects of the romance genre. She incorporates Jewish characters and traditions into her stories so that people who grew up like she did can see themselves take center stage on the page. She lives in a town known for its literary history and her most recent book is The Dating Contract, published by Tule Publishing.

Sara Goodman Confino, Contributor
Sara Goodman Confino is the author of For the Love of Friends. She teaches high school English and journalism in Montgomery County, Maryland, where she lives with her husband, two sons, and miniature schnauzer, Sandy. When she's not writing or working out, she can be found on the beach or at a Bruce Springsteen show, sometimes even dancing onstage.

Felicia Grossman, Contributor
Felicia Grossman is the author of historical romance, usually featuring Jewish protagonists and nods to musical theater. She has an undergraduate degree in English and History, and like an unreasonably large percentage of romance writers, a law degree. Originally from Delaware, she now lives in the Rustbelt with her family and Scottish Terrier. When not writing romance or practicing law, she enjoys baking, eating, and trying desperately to learn French with Duolingo.

Heidi Shertok, Contributor
Heidi Shertok is a romance author, breast cancer survivor, and Jewish activist. She is a founding member of Artists Against Antisemitism, and Facebook group Jewish Women Talk About Romance Books and The Jewish Joy Book Club. When she isn’t writing or arguing with bots on social media, she can be found talking to herself while admiring other people’s gardens.